Bone Shape Does Not Cause OA – but OA Does Change Bone Shape; a Study on Data From 4654 Knees From the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Automated Segmentation of Cartilage Provides Comparable Accuracy and Better Responsiveness Than Manual Segmentation: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
2D and 3D Measurements of Osteoarthritis Joint Space Width have Good Agreement in Radiographically Normal Knees but Poor Agreement with Advancing Kellgren-Lawrence Grade: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
OA may not be as structurally heterogeneous as expected: Shape analysis of all knees from the Osteoarthritis Initiative reveals a consistent pattern of bone shape change over 8 years
Effects of TOFACITINIB on MRI Endpoints in METHOTREXATE-Naive Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Phase 2 MRI Study With Semi-Quantitative and Quantitative Endpoints
The Relationship Between 3D MRI Knee Bone Shape and Prevalent and Incident Knee Pain: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Knee Bone Shape Predicts Total Knee Replacement: Data From The Osteoarthritis Initiative
A Novel, Fully 3-Dimensional Dynamic Contrast MRI Method in the Hand Reveals Details of Synovial Inflammation and Provides a Sensitive Measure of Change
Can We Stop Using Contrast in RA MRI Clinical Trials? Quantitative MRI Demonstrates Similar Responsiveness for Contrast and Contrast-Free Synovitis Assessment